From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Remote Learning Support
Dear Parents,
Please see below our Remote Education Plan and Stakeholder Expectation document. You should all now be able to logon to Microsoft Teams where all learning that needs to be completed in the event of isolation can be found. Remember learning only has to be completed if your child is well enough.
If you need any additional resources to help you while you are at home, or support in accessing anything, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our very best to help you.
For maths, we highly recommend the White Rose. It has tutorials and worksheets.
As you may be aware, the school subscribes to Now Press Play. They have kindly released a home learning package so that our pupils can access Now Press Play at home. Please see the document below for more information. You can access this at:
If you contact use we can give you the password or look out for it in our newsletter.
The school subscribes to the following websites. Your child should have come home with a login. If you need your child's login again, please email the school office, and they will direct your email to the right member of staff or contact the class teacher directly.
MyMaths -
TTRockstars (Oaks) -
Numbots (Acorns) -
Purple Mash -
Still looking for something more...why not explore our Summer Learning Support tab where you will find more links to explore. Where will your curiosity take you and your learning?