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Palace Wood

Primary School

From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year 1

Term 6 2023/24

Bears Class 

Teacher: Mrs Doyle

Student Teacher: Mr Rock

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Moule 

Giraffes Class

Teacher: Miss Francis

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Birchill

Cover Staff

Teachers: Mrs Finch

PE Days - Term 6 we will be learning Tennis and Athletics

Tuesday & Friday

Term 6

In Term 6, our learning will revolve around the topic of Health.

In Phonics, the children will complete the statutory Phonics Screening Check during the second week of term.  The tests will begin on Monday 10th June and continue throughout the week until every child has had their chance to shine.  The results of the test will be delivered to you in your child's end-of-year school report.

In English this term, we will be reading versions of the traditional tale, Jack and the Beanstalk.  Later in the term we will have fun learning about poetry by listening to Michael Rosen's magnificent 'Chocolate Cake'.  

In Maths, we will be learning about money and time.  When learning about money, children learn key vocabulary such as value, amount, cost, price, pounds and pence.  When learning to tell the time, Year 1 will learn all about o'clock and half past the hour.

Science will be focused on seasonal changes.  We have looked at each season throughout the year, and we will now bring our learning together to recognise the differences.  

In History, we will learn about the life of a significant person from the past, Florence Nightingale.  We have lots of exciting lessons lined up, we can't wait for the children to tell you all about them.

In DT, the children will deepen their knowledge of healthy eating and follow a recipe to make fruit kebabs and frozen yoghurt fruit slabs

We are very excited to be going on a school trip this term.  On Wednesday 3rd July, Year 1 will be walking to The Museum of Kent Life.  The children will take part in 2 workshops, learning about the life of Florence Nightingale and learning to make 'No Cook' Jam.  

During the week commencing 8th July, it will be sports week.  The children will be wearing a sports kit every day, saving their full house colours for the official sports day on Friday 12th July.  There will be a jam-packed week of exciting new sports for the children to try.  More information will follow soon.


There is only a matter of days until the Phonics Screening Test on 10th June.  Please give your child the best opportunity to shine by revising the sounds over the half term.  The children find split digraphs particularly tricky to identify so take extra time looking at those.  Split digraphs are words such as a-e for make, o-e for bone, i-e for lime, u-e for tune and e-e for theme.  If your child is already secure with these, then please take time to read words with alternative sounds, such as comb, watch, photograph, wedge, know, untie and rescue

Every Friday, your child will bring home two new reading books.  We expect the children to be reading for 15-20 minutes each night and for their reading record to be signed.

The children have a NumBots and Spelling Shed log in stuck into the front of their reading record.  Your child can access this at their leisure but will not be set homework.  Both websites are a great tool for your child to consolidate their learning at school.