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Palace Wood

Primary School

From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year 5



Class Teacher: Mrs Kyte

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hicks


Class Teacher: Mrs. Fullagar 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Chilton/Mrs Vella

P.E. Term 4 Wednesday and Thursday

Reading records: Signed and given in every Friday

Homework: Atom to be completed by Friday in addition to Spelling Shed and TTRockstars being available for children to practice during the week as well. 


Term 4 Sustainability

Hello and Welcome to Year 5 Term 4

We hope you all had an amazing half-term and are ready to start the new term!

We will be hitting the ground running in maths with multiplication, division and another round of fractions. The children's favourite :).

We will be introducing our geography topic on global warming and sustainable food. Look out for top tips to become more sustainable in the kitchen. Our D.T. topic will be running alongside this and we are hoping to create a savoury dish based around locally grown and seasonal  food.


Further detail on the rest of the curriculum and the English can be found in the attachments below.

Don't forget : Renew your stationery (see the list below)