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Palace Wood

Primary School

From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year R

Welcome to EYFS! Our classes are Elephants and Penguins.  Staff in EYFS work across both classes. 

The EYFS team members are: Mrs Edwards, Miss Gower, Mrs Bedford, Mrs Uttridge, Miss Gilks, Mrs Hagger, Miss Baker and Miss Holliday.

Forest School Day-Tuesday

PE Day - Thursday

Term 6

Welcome to term 6 in EYFS! It is hard to believe that we are in our last term already, but we are so proud of all that the children have achieved in their first year of school.  

This term our topic is “Health”, through which we will be learning about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy.  We will talk about healthy eating, hygiene, looking after our mental health, and how people in our community can help us stay healthy. We will also be learning about seasonal change and are looking forward to some summer fun and visits to places in our local area. It is the time of year when we talk about changes, and beginning the transition into year 1.  The children will have the opportunity to meet their new teachers and visit their new classrooms this term. 

In maths we will continue to recap our learning about the composition of numbers, doubling, odds and evens and addition and subtraction.  We will also be learning about sharing and grouping, positional language and spatial mapping and reasoning.  

One of the most exciting events of the summer term is Sports Day! We will be practising our Sports Day races in our P.E. sessions ready for the big day on Friday 12th July.

Please ensure that your child is well-equipped for the hot weather, with a sun hat and water bottle each day.  Please apply sun cream before your child comes to school in the mornings.  They may bring their own sun cream if you wish them to re-apply it, but this needs to be one they can apply independently.

Please see the EYFS Learning Overview for more information about the Term 6 curriculum.